Thursday, July 22, 2010

True Discipleship...Part 2

One of my truest and closest friends in my new hometown has become a man of about sixty and who looks a little like Santa Claus.  We have formed a bond over the course of going on two mission trips together and having lots of time to share our love for the Lord -14 hour bus rides provide that opportunity.   :) 

One thing that draws me to this friend is his unique love for people.  Unlike me, no one ever seems to get on his nerves or aggravate him.  He loves people in a way that is genuine and sincere.  He doesn't ridicule or belittle.  He is purposeful about forming relationships with those who are different and might not be loved by most.  This friend of mine goes to the same restaurant for breakfast a few times a week.  He enjoys the food, but more than that, he is interested in the man who owns the restaurant.  The owner, most likely, doesn't have a relationship with Christ.  He's rough and tough and uses harsh language.  Yet a few times a week, my friend is purposeful in getting to know him and gently love him.  Where this leads, only God knows.  My friend is content to listen and share and be interested in this man who may not know Jesus.

Last night, I had another interesting conversation with him.  He shared that he had taught Sunday School for a period of time, but never felt qualified or "called" to do so.  (He will gladly drive a bus every Sunday and Wednesday to pick up children that no one else would even care about, but teaching was never something he felt he should do.)  He mentioned that he didn't like the preparation of it.  He reads the bible, but feels somewhat unequipped to teach it.  I commented that I loved the preparation and study part of teaching.  It occurred to me right then, that he would no doubt make a wonderful teacher and that I have much to learn.  This man has been a teacher to me even though I've never been in a formal class with him.  He has taught me more about loving people than most any lesson could ever do.  Regardless of the hours that I might put into preparing for a class, if I'm  not willing to love people, get to know them, and form a relationship with them, the study means very little. 

Discipleship comes in many forms.  Loving people is the foundation of it.

"If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.  If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing.  If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere.  So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love."  1 Cor 13:1 The Message

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. A person must first love and have love in their heart to truly gain the confidence and love of someone that maybe lost or having trouble in their life. This is truly a gift from God, a priceless gift that enables your friend to win people over to Christ in the manner that he does. Someone that may have a hard heart needs to know the comfort that Christ can bring and to see it in you first, this is what they need in order to truly feel the love of God and his son Christ. You see, I have been on both sides of this delima. Being raised in the church and experiencing things of the world that makes you scratch your head and wonder why the world has dealt you the hand it may have dealt. It has made me catch myself wondering why that it has made such a twisted turn in my life; that is until I speak with someone that has this love in their heart. Then I say to myself..."you know it isn't Christ that has made feel bad or made this or that happen to me it is the Devil"! God bless you and your friend. Never quit your work, I know it is a blessing to who ever wonders into this site and really takes the time to read and think about what you have said and the people that really care about other people.
