Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Power of Encouragement

I'm an only child.  There.  Make all the one-liners you want.  I've heard 'em all.  Yes, I was probably a little spoiled (as spoiled as one could be with parents who were factory workers). Yes, I probably got too much attention - because there was no where else to spread it.  But the truth is, I've always desired brothers and sisters.  The bond of siblings is a strong one, and I've always had a twinge of jealousy toward those that have them.

And while it's true that I don't have blood siblings, I have people in my life that I consider the closest thing to a brother or sister I could ever imagine.  They show me unconditional love.  They show me grace.  They pray for me and with me.  They ask about my parents and offer to help me as they age.  They share my inside jokes.  They know all my flaws and still love me. 

I call them sister-friends.

For the last three days, myself and some of those sister-friends have been participating in a lifestyle change....otherwise known as a DIET.  It's an 8-week weight loss challenge that hinges on eating healthier, exercising, and drinking more (a lot more).....yes...water.  It's just a wee bit competitive, which floats my boat.  In essence, you give yourself points for exercising and for putting good things into your mouth.  You also receive points for not putting bad stuff into your mouth.  Pretty simple. At the end of the week you tally up your points and your weight loss, and wa-lah, you have a winner.

An interesting portion of the challenge is that you also give yourself points every day for encouraging any of the other participants.  Granted, its a competition, but hey, it's not The Biggest Loser, and no money has been exchanged (yet), so who really cares.  WE'RE ALL GONNA BE WINNERS!!

On the first day of the challenge, all but one of us started a group text as our form of encouraging each other.  (Why did we leave the one, lone sister-friend out, you ask?  Because I'm pretty sure she still carries around a flip phone.  We are texting her individually, while we secretly pray for her to GET WITH THE TECHNOLOGICAL-AGE PROGRAM.)

These group texts are proving to be the highlight of this whole thing for me.  I never expected to be so encouraged (and laugh so hard) with my fellow opponents (did I mention this was a competition?).  From the very first day, we began blowing each other's phones up with continual comments and they haven't stopped yet.

"I stayed out of the cake, Praise the Lord!"
"I'm struggling to get all my water in."
"I've made it past noon with no sugar.  This is huge!"
"Let's have a great day, ladies!"
"Nana made homemade peach cobbler, but I didn't eat it.  I was strong!"
"Way to go!"
"You're doing awesome!"
"Are pickles considered a vegetable?"
"Go for it!"

These are but a small tidbit of our texts throughout the day.  (I can't dare share all of them because they're much too confidential.  You simply wouldn't get our hipness or our inside jokes.)  Most are simply one sister to another trying to encourage and help one of us get through the day with success. 

As I've thought about this the past few days, I've realized how powerful the advocacy from a friend is.  Those that are my sister-friends are the ones I look to for regular encouragement. They get me through my tough times.  They pick me up when I stumble.  They see my failures and urge me to get back on track.  I lean on them, and they on me. They keep me going when I would have otherwise quit. They recognize my deepest flaws and love me in spite of them.  I tell them my heartaches.  I spill my ugliness to them, and I see theirs, as well.  And then we move on.  They give me grace and I try to do the same. 

We desperately need this in our lives.

The world would be a better place if we, as women, were kinder and more encouraging to one another.  If we dropped the act and stopped trying to live perfectly, and instead, admitted that we struggle.  If we saw past the flaws of others and got real about our own.  If we stopped thinking that everyone else has it together and realize that no one really does.  If we used our words to build up.  If we used our time to give back.  If we tried saying something nice to those that might be hurting.  If we didn't boast needlessly about ourselves or even our children, but instead boasted only in the Lord.  If we didn't assume others were jealous of us, but instead if we made sure that we hadn't unintentionally offended someone. If we asked for forgiveness.  If we loved....  If we laughed....  If we all could just be friends....good, good friends. A whole bunch of sister-friends.

Let's do it.  Who's on board?  Let's be a living, breathing group text with our lives.  Let's live life encouraging others around us! 

"You can do it!"
"You're awesome. Press on!"
"Don't give in to that temptation."
"You're an overcomer!"
"You rock!"
"I'm praying for you."
"You're gonna make it!"

Let's stop tearing down the women around us with our judgment and with our condescending thoughts.  Let's speak the truth only in love. Let's not concentrate on being the center of attention, but look for ways to point others to the only One who deserves that spot. Let's look for ways to build up those around us and stay away from anything that is a part of tearing them down.

Let's be one sister to another helping each other get through each and every day with success.

Maybe if there was a point system for all of this......

"There are 'friends' who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother." Prov 18:24 NLT

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