Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God's Timing

This past May I committed to pray for some very specific things.  I even dubbed the month "Pray Through May".  I had a few things over which I desired God's unmistakable voice....His "yes" or His "no".  I've learned (often the hard way) that His will is what I seek because it's for my best.  I've prayed for things at times that weren't His will....and then when He answered the way I wanted, it was a fine mess.  I  try to listen for His still small voice, but secretly I always hope for the neon sign.

As the month of May drudged on, I kept praying.  I was diligent, as His Word says to be.  Still most of the prayers were left unanswered by the end of the month.  As June and now July, have come and nearly gone, I have kept praying, though not as time-consumed as I was when summer began.  I had a conversation with a friend today that ended in a very specific answered prayer - one that I'd been praying over since May.  I had even almost forgotten about it.  I realized today, when the answer came, that I hadn't been anxious or worrisome or burdened by it.  I had left it at the feet of Jesus and just kept praying.  Then, out of the blue, it was answered.  So as I began thinking about this, I realized that many of the other prayers I'd been praying had been answered as well.....all in God's timing - not mine. 

There is not a formula for praying except perhaps this....
"Do not be anxious for anything.  But in everything, with PRAYER and petition and thanksgiving, make your requests known to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Phil 4:6-7 

So, I was reminded that our prayers often act much like the water upon the rock does....gently stroking the heart of Jesus, just like the water strokes the rock.  God often takes time with us, allowing us to become content in just the asking.  He IS the Rock - the only One that never changes.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your blog today. I pray daily to God “fully knowing that his time frame and mine are two very different frames of time”. I always say in my private prayers “God your will not mine be done” because I know this is how it is and this is what it says in the Bible. Perhaps the best verse to make this plain is John 6:38, “For I am come down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me”. (The only sinless man to walk the face of the earth, "Jesus Christ" the son of the living God said this).

    I too have prayed for so many things in my life and for others that it slips my memory from time to time. I wonder (the devil working again) sometimes why things happen and have happened in my life and wish that you could just throw a switch and correct them or make them change right at a moments notice. I just have to keep reminding myself that it is “God’s Timing” and not mine.

    All that I ask from you is that you never give this Blog up! It is a true inspiration to me and God knows that I need it as much as anyone in this world. I just need little reminders every once in a while. It will bless may other people if they will just read look and use the most perfect computer ever made that everyone has…it lies between the two ears and inside everyone’s head.
